Bloggers and Influencers

Jay Japan is always open for bloggers, YouTubers, and other content creators to review our products and do promotions. Please apply by email if you have any platform (blog, YouTube channel, etc.) that's relevant to our products and could be a good fit for our brand. Mainly we're looking for creators that are based on anime and or/ Japanese culture.

If you would like to apply, please go to Contact Us, email us to, or to our IG (@jayjapan59) with the following information:

  • Your name
  • A link to your platform (Blog, YouTube channel, etc.)
  • A nice, short introduction about your blog/channel, number of followers/subscribers/viewers you have
  • A description of the type of review you would like to create and any unique ideas or style you have in mind
  • A description of the type of promotion you would like to try (Optional)
  • More information that you think it's relevant


All applications will be reviewed, but only a certain amount of creators would be selected for the reviews or promotions. Although there are no requirements for the applications whatsoever, the better the quality of your content, the higher your chances of getting picked!

We do apologize, but we can't really work with every creator for a review or a promotion, but we love to work with anime and Japanese creators so please don't be afraid to apply!