When it comes to anime: it's accessible to everyone from anywhere. With Crunchyroll, Funimation, and KissAnime, there are tons of streaming websites that you could watch your favorite anime either dubbed or subbed. In spite of the freedom of anime you can watch, what have I told you there's a streaming website so exclusive that you have to even take a test to get access in? That's where Bilibili comes in.
What is Bilibili?
Bilibili is a anime streaming website established in China with huge popularity when it comes to anime, comics, and games. It's mostly known for their bullet chat, user comments that are displayed and fly over the screen of the video (like some Japanese streaming sites).
In order to get full access to the website, you have to take a 100-question exam in 120 minutes. There are even some questions that even the biggest anime fans would be freaked out on. The CEO (Chen Rui) even mentioned that it's the largest and hardest test in the world.
How hard? Some participants have to even buy the answers from other websites. Yeah... it's that rigorous...
The reason for the rigorous examination is to keep the company's presence unseen to the public. Because of China's strict censorship rules that deal with pirated Japanese anime, Bilibili would mostly be spread by the word-of-mouth rather than be Internet traffic.
The example questions are like this:
- Which cartoonist's wife is the author of Sailor Moon?
- Who is the fleet admiral of the Marines in ONE PIECE?
If you can answer those, then membership to Bilibili won't be so hard. If not,... There's always Crunchyroll and Funimation.
Despite those extremely hard anime questions, there is another way to gain full access to it. You have to be invited by an actual member of Bilibili in order to go to the shortcut way. So it's either wait patiently for a member to invite you or having to spend money on answers to exam questions.
On second thought, I would keep my Crunchyroll. Might have a ton of ads, but I'm saving money. So, it's a win-win situation.
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