As 2023 comes to an end, it's a good time to reflect on the past year's anime and manga goals. Did you achieve your target of watching a certain number of series? Catch up on long-running shonen jumps? Or discover hidden gem slice-of-life shows? Pat yourself on the back for the accomplishments!
But now it's time to look ahead. 2024 brings a clean slate and 365 new days of endless anime and manga possibilities. From prioritizing quality over quantity to engaging more with fellow fans, here are 10 anime and manga resolutions to embrace for the upcoming year.
Reflecting on 2023: What anime/manga goals did you achieve?
The year 2023 was a big one for anime and manga fans. Some of the most popular shows that released new seasons included Attack on Titan, Spy x Family, Chainsaw Man, and Mob Psycho 100. On the manga side, hot series like Blue Lock, Tokyo Revengers, and Boy's Abyss saw surges in readership.
As for personal goals, did you meet your target number of completed anime series for the year? Catch up on backlogged manga volumes that have been sitting on the shelf? Make more online friends to discuss your weekly episode reactions? Or discover niche genres outside your comfort zone?
Take a moment to congratulate yourself on the anime and manga accomplishments from 2023, big and small. Recognizing growth and progress, even in tiny steps, nurtures motivation to keep pursuing this passion in the new year.
Setting the Stage for 2024: Embracing the New Year with Fresh Anime Resolutions
With 2023 reflected upon, it's time to look ahead to 2024! This blank slate year overflows with anime and manga potential. What better way to set the stage than by making some anime and manga resolutions?
The new year presents a fresh chance to take our fandom enjoyment to the next level. Whether it's prioritizing quality over quantity, supporting more official releases, or connecting with fellow fans, embrace 2024 by setting a few anime and manga resolutions for yourself!
Quality over Quantity
Modern seasonal anime makes it tempting to endlessly binge show after show each new season. With so much content, it's easy to fall into a quantity over quality trap.
2024 presents the perfect opportunity to reset focus. Instead of chasing long completed anime lists, prioritize enjoyment from each new show you pick up. Savor every episode instead of just plowing through. Engage more critically by analyzing themes, symbolism, and character development as you watch. Spending more quality time with beloved series ultimately proves more fulfilling than just eternally chasing the next completed show tally.
Prioritizing Completion: Tackling the Backlog of On-Hold Anime
Most anime fans can relate to the struggle of the dreaded on-hold list. As each new season rolls around, unfinished series accumulate in that watch-later purgatory. But 2024 is the year to finally tackle that backlog!
Make it a resolution to revisit those perpetually on-hold anime. Rather than jumping into the next hyped show airing, focus first on completing series you've already started. Not only does it provide closure, but catching up on backlogged anime also allows you to join in on relevant discussions still happening in the fandom.
Schedule time periodically to chip away at that on-hold list little by little. Each completed anime marks a small sense of accomplishment, plus clears the slate for the next wave of new shows vying for your attention.
Making Time for Mastery: Re-watching a Favorite Series in a Foreign Language
Another way to shift focus from quantity to quality is choosing a favorite completed anime to re-watch in a foreign language. This transforms a beloved series into a fresh experience that builds valuable skills simultaneously.
Selecting a favorite anime already intimately familiar in Japanese dubs the foreign language material in an enjoyable context. Picking up grammar patterns, vocabulary, and pronunciation comes easier when you already know the plot and characters. And you still get to relive the joy of iconic scenes now with the added challenge of decoding dialogue.
Make learning Japanese or other languages less of a chore in 2024 by combining study time with anime re-watches. Killing two birds with one stone through immersive language reinforcement makes achieving fluency that much more fun!
Keep Up with Ongoing Manga
The constant churn of new anime seasons makes it easy to fall behind on keeping up with ongoing manga. Publishers release fresh manga magazine issues weekly in Japan, meaning series you follow see rapid plot progression in between anime seasons.
Use 2024 as motivation to finally get caught up—and stay caught up—with following ongoing manga. Whether it's Attack on Titan, Spy x Family, or smaller niche series, don't let new chapters pile up unread!
Committing to Consistency: Reading Regularly to Avoid Buildup
The key to successfully following manga week-to-week or month-to-month is committing to consistent reading. Rather than attempting to gorge chapters in sporadic bursts, build a regular reading habit even by squeezing in just single chapters at a time.
Carve out small pockets during commutes, breaks at work or school, or relaxed weekends to chip away bit-by-bit. Before you know it, keeping up with all those manga subscribing to suddenly feels smooth rather than a looming headache!
Embracing the Journey: Enjoying the Process of Following Ongoing Stories
Beyond just preventing new chapter buildup, keeping pace with ongoing manga allows fans to embrace the journey as stories unfold. Instead of waiting months or years to marathon full plot arcs animated all at once, you get to experience each incremental reveal week-to-week.
Following along in real time creates opportunities to theorize what may happen next or discuss with fellow fans after cliffhangers. Rather than just passively binging chunks of content, you become an active participant in the fandom. So make 2024 the year to finally commit to consistent ongoing manga reading. Enjoying the ride proves most of the fun!
Engage More in the Community
Speaking of fandom participation, another excellent 2024 resolution involves engaging more actively with the anime and manga fan community. After all, connecting with fellow enthusiasts greatly enhances the enjoyment of any hobby.
Make it a goal this year to branch out from solo watching and reading. Join in episode discussion threads, write reviews, make AMV tributes, attend conventions, or even just chat anime over social media. Discussing favorite series and gushing over new announcements simply hits different when shared camaraderie comes into play!
Joining the Conversation: Participating in Episode Discussions and Reviews
One great way to engage the anime and manga community more is by taking part in episode and chapter discussions. Hop onto Reddit threads or Discord servers each week to share reactions, analysis, and theories over the latest story developments.
Writing formal reviews for recent manga or anime provides another fun discussion outlet. Whether on MyAnimeList, Anilist, YouTube, or a personal blog, share insightful critique or funny commentary to fuel conversation. By putting your thoughts out there, you never know what new connections may unfold!
Building Connections: Finding Friends and Creating Meaning
By putting yourself out there through reviews, reactions, and conversations, opportunities arise to build meaningful connections with fellow fans. Bond over shared interests in genres, waifus, or asking questions to understand differing perspectives. Attending anime conventions also enables making friends firsthand. Surrounded by like-minded enthusiasts energizes social courage to exchange contact info, gather for group photos, or plan future meetups. Fandom spaces both online and in-real-life overflow with friendship potential waiting to unfold in 2024!
Set Personal Anime Milestones
For an extra dose of motivation in pursuing anime and manga passion this year, set a few personal goals or milestones to work toward. Having defined targets planned out with trackable progress helps nurture satisfaction in the fandom journey itself.
Consider milestones like completing a set number of series, reading a targeted hours count, writing weekly blog posts, or even creating your first AMV. Choose measurable goals tailored around enjoying anime and manga as creative outlets, then savor each small step forward through the year.
Chasing Milestones: Reaching a Specific Number of Completed Anime
One straightforward anime milestone to consider is targeting a total number of completed shows for 2024. For example, aim to finish 52 series—one per week—over the next year. Or scale down to a show count fitting your available free time.
Tracking progress crossing off each finished anime provides clear indicators of advancement towards your set milestone. Try scattering genre variety and both new and backlogged series to keep the completion journey exciting all year long!
Cultivating Creativity: Writing Blog Posts, Creating Signatures, or Joining Contests
Beyond just watching anime and reading manga, explore creative outlets to express your fandom passion. Write weekly blog reviews of current shows, design personalized Discord chat signatures with your waifu, or craft gorgeous Fanart to enter contests.
The journey of developing these skills also serves as measurable milestones for the year. Learning to edit AMVs, recording anime cover songs to share online, or even just consistently journaling reactions to each manga chapter release ultimately fulfills in itself. So unleash your anime and manga creativity in 2024!
As the new year fast approaches, take some time to reflect on 2023 anime and manga accomplishments, then look ahead to embrace fresh 2024 resolutions!
This next year overflows with fandom potential through prioritizing quality over quantity, catching up on ongoing manga, connecting within fan communities, and setting personalized milestones. Most importantly, savor each step in the journey of anime and manga passion!
No matter what specific anime and manga resolutions you choose for 2024, the most vital component is maintaining an open and growth-focused mindset.
View this new year as a clean slate to develop better habits, try new things, and forge connections without fear of judgment. Support fellow fans in working towards their own goals while also practicing self-compassion when you stumble. The journey of enriching our lives through anime and manga passion proves the ultimate destination.
So raise your hand in that iconic finger-pointing pose declaring your next year's anime and manga resolutions. Ganbare! Embrace personal growth and enjoyment first and foremost. The best stories lie ahead in 2024!
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